BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
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165 lines
Copyright Cornell University 1986. All rights are reserved.
This include file defines the internal result codes used in translating
user events into actions for the terminal emulator. Each result code
is two bytes long, the first byte is the class type, and the second
is an entry id for that type.
/* token classes */
#define RSLT_ASCI 0x20 /* ' ' ascii character */
#define RSLT_LCAC 0x41 /* 'A' IBM local action key */
#define RSLT_EMC 0x43 /* 'C' emulator control */
#define RSLT_SCOPY 0x63 /* 'c' special copy routines */
#define RSLT_DELAY 0x44 /* 'D' delay */
#define RSLT_EDIT 0x45 /* 'E' EDIT action */
#define RSLT_FILE 0x46 /* 'F' FILE action */
#define RSLT_LOOP 0x4C /* 'L' LOOP with count argument */
#define RSLT_MVCR 0x4D /* 'M' IBM cursor movement key */
#define RSLT_PFKY 0x50 /* 'P' IBM program function key */
#define RSLT_SEL1 0x53 /* 'S' selection Y start */
#define RSLT_SEL2 0x54 /* 'T' selection X start */
#define RSLT_SEL3 0x55 /* 'U' selection Y end */
#define RSLT_SEL4 0x56 /* 'V' selection X end */
#define RSLT_WIND 0x57 /* 'W' window selection action */
#define RSLT_XCURS 0x58 /* 'X' cursor movement to x loc */
#define RSLT_YCURS 0x59 /* 'Y' cursor movement to y loc */
#define RSLT_MATCH 0x5A /* 'Z' delay for input match */
#define RSLT_TELNET 0x74 /* 't' Telnet commands */
/* RSLT_ASCI entries */
/* the entry for the rslt_asci type is the desired x location */
/* 'A' RSLT_LCAC entries */
#define BACKSP_BLANK 0x20 /* space */
#define BACKSP_DEL 0x42 /* B */
#define DEL_CHAR 0x44 /* D */
#define ERASE_EOF 0x45 /* E */
#define INSRT 0x49 /* I */
#define RESET 0x52 /* R */
#define INPUT_ERASE 0x58 /* X */
/* RSLT_EMC entries */
#define EM_ALTMACRO 'A' /* set the ALT (mousedown state) modifier bit */
#define EM_NORMMACRO 'a' /* always set ALT off */
#define EM_CLOSE 'C' /* Close the emulator session */
#define EM_EDIT 'E' /* show the textwindow */
#define EM_FILLCLOSE 'F' /* close the copyright/help textwindow */
#define EM_HIDE 'H' /* don't update the display */
#define EM_LITERAL 'L' /* display literals in ASCII emulators */
#define EM_RESTORE 'R' /* restore line 25 */
#define EM_SHOW 'S' /* update the display as usual */
#define EM_TERM 'T' /* show the "terminal" emwindow */
#define EM_TRACK 't' /* toggle cursor tracking */
#define EM_TRYDSDRAW 'Z' /* toggle fast drawing */
/* RSLT_LOOP entries */
/* DO WHILE loop begin: the entry for this class is the
number of times to repeat the loop; a 0 will cause the loop to be skipped,
a 255 will cause the loop to continue until interrupted by a "Command-.".
/* RSLT_DELAY entries */
/* the entry is the time in seconds you wish to delay processing tokens */
/* RSLT_EDIT entries */
#define ED_SELALL 'A'
#define ED_APPEND 'B'
#define ED_COPY 'C'
#define ED_SELRESET 'R'
#define ED_STDMODE 'S'
#define ED_TABLEMODE 'T'
#define ED_PASTE 'V'
#define ED_CUT 'X'
/* RSLT_FILE entries */
#define RF_APPEND 'A'
#define RF_APPENDTO 'B'
#define RF_NAME 'N'
#define RF_PRINTTEXT 'p'
#define RF_SAVE 'S'
#define RF_SAVEAS 'T'
/* entries for the RSLT_MVCR type (IBM cursor motion) */
#define HOME 0x30 /* 0 */
#define BACK_TAB 0x3c /* < */
#define TAB_FWD 0x3e /* > */
#define DOWN_ARROW 0x44 /* D */
#define LEFT_ARROW 0x4c /* < */
#define NEW_LINE 0x4e /* N */
#define RIGHT_ARROW 0x52 /* R */
#define UP_ARROW 0x55 /* U */
/* entries for the RSLT_PFKY class (IBM Program Function keys) */
#define PF1 0x1
#define PF2 0x2
#define PF3 0x3
#define PF4 0x4
#define PF5 0x5
#define PF6 0x6
#define PF7 0x7
#define PF8 0x8
#define PF9 0x9
#define PF10 0xa
#define PF11 0xb
#define PF12 0xc
#define PF13 0xd
#define PF14 0xe
#define PF15 0xf
#define PF16 0x10
#define PF17 0x11
#define PF18 0x12
#define PF19 0x13
#define PF20 0x14
#define PF21 0x15
#define PF22 0x16
#define PF23 0x17
#define PF24 0x18
#define PF25 0x19
#define PF26 0x1a
#define PF27 0x1b
#define PF28 0x1c
#define PF29 0x1d
#define PF30 0x1e
#define PF31 0x1f
#define PF32 0x20
#define PF33 0x21
#define PF34 0x22
#define PF35 0x23
#define PF36 0x24
#define PA1 0x31
#define PA2 0x32
#define PA3 0x33
#define CLEAR 0x43
#define ENTER 0x45
#define PFSHIFT 0x55
#define PFDUBSHIFT 0x57
/* the entry for the RSLT_YCURS type is the desired row numbered from 0 */
/* the entry for the RSLT_XCURS type is the desired column numbered from 0 */
/* the entry for the RSLT_SEL actions is the desired location numbered from 0 */
/* RSLT_TELNET entries */